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the brief.

as a preparatory assignment, the preliminary studies kicked off the semester by focusing on investigating the basic notions of the city, and learning from examples of community centres around the world. By introducing the basics of urban design and its relation to architecture, we would be able to formulate our sense of place and position-taking in regards to Klang. In addition, case studies of community centres globally and in tropical climates would allow better understanding of the programmatic function, societal role and spatial layout of a Community Centre and architectural responses for urban blocks.



the brief.

in response to the relevant questions pertaining to the community and its context, we were tasked to develop a narrative for an architectural strategy. The design should consist of 3-5 storeys and should take into consideration a holistic application of structural, spatial, functional and environmental requirements to address the user needs for a Community Centre.

The design development of this project will include an introduction to the legislative restrictions, and be compliant to the uniform building by-laws.

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