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the brief.

to begin the design process, we, as a tutorial group, were tasked to investigate, study and analyse the site to understand valuable components, gaining familiarity with the people, place, and project. We were to immerse ourselves within the site, 'sensing the city' and thoroughly look into the current conditions of the site to form a comprehensive understanding of what the current situation is, and what it could possibly become. Through appropriate design analysis methodologies, we, as a group, had to formulate a stance that we all mutually agreed upon and structure our position taking and impact we intend to make towards the site.


For Project 1B, students are to progress by exploring the project proposal presented by the group in Project 1a, individually. Each student is to explore design ideas within the proposal into multiple angles and possibilities, looking carefully into the functionality, effectivity, spatial quality, and form composition. The design exploration is to represent the designer’s inquisitive nature and attitude through a series of schemes to analyze, test and challenge the ideas. 

The objectives are :-

  • To explore brief which will inform and set the design parameters for the design. 

  • To develop a design strategy (to the level of explorative design phase) for your proposed project.  

  • To produce a design which is well explored and optimized to an appropriate resolution. 


For this final submission, students must have a fully resolved and develop design scheme with the incorporation of environmental strategies and technological strategies and technical resolution. In this phase, students will be aided with additional inputs from a series of lectures focusing on poetics, tectonics, sustainability, building safety compliance, façade, and aesthetic and presentation techniques.  

The objectives are :-

  • To consolidate an understanding of the holistic nature of the architectural design process, to a given degree of detail, with emphasis on design as an integrative process, drawing as appropriate on previous subjects of the program. 


Each student is required to submit a final design report as full documentation of the 15-week design ‘journey’ in the final studio. The documentation will cover the rigorous design processes, from preliminary studies, exploration, and to the final design. The report must show evidence of how the student incorporated and applied the knowledge learned from previous studios and non-design studio modules, likewise from present learnings from the module’s lecture series, tutorials, and workshops into their design. A weekly reflective journal signed by the respective tutors is to be attached in the last part of the report, as evidence of progress and self-reflection. 

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